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Learning Profile

Learning Profile Groups
There are many learning styles and learning preference surveys available.  Teachers can group students using similar learning preferences or mix learning preferences for a group project that requires several different learning styles to complete.
It is not as important to select the "right" one as it is to recognize differences in learning styles and respecting those differences. It is invaluable for students to realize that they might learn differently from others.  Some students feel they are "stupid" if they don't learn the same way as their close friends. By teaching them to be aware of their learning preferences, they can help themselves learn and study using that information.
NOTE: Do NOT let students use their learning preference as an excuse for not doing an assignment that is not in their preferred learning style.  We all have to be flexible and learn in many ways.



Learning Style Surveys - choose from three popular ones

Multiple Intelligence Survey - Edutopia

Thinking Preference Survey - PowerPoint

Thinking Preference Survey - Spreadsheet

Featured Tech Tool


EdPuzzle allows teachers to deliver interactive videos to students while collecting data from the students about what they are thinking while watching the video.  Try delivering two or more videos related to the same learning objective that may appeal to different learning styles, and giving students a choice about which one they want to watch.

Featured Strategy



The RAFT strategy allows students to select a product which matches their learning preferences in order to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding.  Consider several learning styles when developing each row in the grid.  R = Role, A = Audience, F = Format, and T = Topic. John McCarthy Ed.S. explains this strategy will in his blogpost and gives several examples.


NOTE:  Make sure all rows help students meet the learning objectives.

See examples here:


English, Science, Social Studies

Language Arts, Science, History, Math

Algebra RAFT

Fraction RAFT

ELA -Alliteration and Onomatopoeia

Glacier RAFT Project

RAFT for Foods Unit



Other Helpful RAFT Resources:


Sample RAFT Formats

Rubric for RAFT Assignments


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